Avoid Making the Same Business Mistakes on Your Second Attempt: Here’s How

Photo Credit: Pexels

When your first attempt at a business doesn’t go quite how you’d hoped, it can be hard to throw your hat back in the ring. However, one business failure is hardly enough to prevent you from enjoying future success. In fact, many of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world have a business failure or two in their past.

Being perfect is an impossible goal: Instead you should focus on learning from your failures to make future attempts better. Rajaa Belle shares some tips to get you started.

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5 Tips on Finding and Hiring Great Marketers and Salespeople for Your Business

(Image Source: Pexels]

5 Tips on Finding and Hiring Great Marketers and Salespeople for Your Business

No matter how unique your product or service is, you won’t find success if you don’t have people to sell it. If you want your venture to grow – and grow quickly – you need to find and hire great marketing and sales people. Here are a few simple yet lucrative tips for  businesswomen and mompreneurs.

Continue reading “5 Tips on Finding and Hiring Great Marketers and Salespeople for Your Business”

Finding Balance in Life

By Rajaa Belle

Can you find balance in your life? Some say you can, while others say there is no such thing if you want to highly successful.

It’s true that many of the most high-profile successful people have anything but balanced lives. But, many of them are also miserable, too.

You can attain a high level of success and enjoy all the aspects of your life that mean the most to you.

Continue reading “Finding Balance in Life”

Avis aux médias

En finir avec l’auto-sabotage : s’autoriser à être épanoui.e.s. par Mindful Path Academy

Toronto, 17 Mai 2021Mindful Path Academy est une compagnie basée à Toronto, fondée par quatre femmes francophones immigrantes. Ces coachs offrent des programmes de formation en développement personnel et en intelligence émotionnelle en français

Le samedi 29 mai– Mindful Path Academy organise un atelier ouvert au public sur l’auto-sabotage

L’auto-sabotage est une manière de s’interdire à atteindre ses objectifs et de surcroît s’interdire à vivre son plein potentiel, par un mécanisme inconscient en le justifiant par des arguments qu’on pense rationnels.

Date : Samedi, 29 mai

Heure : 10h à 12h

Lieu : En ligne

Notes aux médias

Quatre coachs et fondatrices de Mindful Path Academy : Rajaa Belle, Jacqueline Ndayizigamiye, Lorraine Hugon, Ines Benzaghou, passionnées de développement personnel partagent leur expertise pour aider les francophones à être proactifs dans leur croissance personnelle et professionnelle.




Cliquez ici pour les détails de l’évènement 




This Vision Board Webinar will reveal how you can bring your dreams into reality with this simple technique that you can use right away.

Most people are unhappy and frustrated for not living the life that they love.
They are tired of going to a job they don’t like, not making enough money, not feeling healthy, not having meaningful relationships, not pursuing their dream career, not fulfilling their dreams and purpose.

If this sounds familiar, then you definitely want to register to our TRANSFORMATIVE VISION BOARD WEBINAR.

This powerful, fun and interactive webinar you will learn :
* How to create your Vision Board in NO TIME
* How tu use the technique of Visualisation
* How to set goals and have clarity
* Who you need to Be to become unstoppable
* What’s stopping you from achieving your goals and how to overcome it
* How to use simple tools that you can use today to shift your reality
* Much more!


This inspiring experience is guaranteed to transform your life and you’ll never be the same

Wealth Inequality In America Among Hispanic Community

by Wealth Coach near me

More and more Americans are becoming aware that unequal wealth redistribution is a fact of life for the average Hispanic living in America. The good news is that there are steps we can take collectively and as individuals to reduce inequality and increase wealth for the Hispanic community.

“Without Change, African American and Latino Families Won’t Match White Wealth for Centuries” explain the authors of The Ever-Growing Gap, a study of inequality by CFED & Institute for Policy Studies. “We showed that if current trends continue, for the average Latino family, matching the wealth of White families own today will take 84 years”.

The average Latino family has less money than a White family. “White American households own … 68 times more than Latino households,” writes Rodney Foxworth writing in Chronicle of Philanthropy.

To understand the current system of unequal wealth redistribution and how it can be ameliorated, we first need to understand the causes.

Solutions To Close Wealth Gap And Financial Inequalities In The US Among For The Afro American Community.

by Wealth coach near me

The road to zero wealth

The existence of a wealth gap in the US, a racial wealth gap is not news. What is news as captured in the study; The Road To Zero Wealth. Is the fact that if nothing is done to close the gap, black households that are in the lower percentile will have zero wealth by 2053.

The implications of this result will not only affect black and white households but the American economy as well. The seeds of this financial insecurity were not sown today. 

It dates as far back as Jim CrowismSlavery, and several other policies that prevented black households from building wealth. And stripping the little wealth they have off them. Several authors have provided certain notable structural solutions that could address the growing wealth gap moving forward.

Devenir la meilleure version de soi – Cours en ligne/Formation

Des coachs riches en expérience partageront avec vous les connaissances clés et des outils pour vous amener sur le chemin de la meilleure version de vous-même.

Ces semaines d’accompagnement vous aideront à vivre avec votre plein potentiel, construire des relations harmonieuses et enrichissantes et commencer un projet ou une carrière épanouissants, alignés avec votre mission de vie.

Dates des ateliers:

  • Le dimanche 24 janvier de 10H à 13H (Heure de l’Est Canada)
  • Le dimanche 7 février de10h à 12H 30 (Heure de l’Est Canada)

Programme :

  • Module 1 : Qui suis-je réellement? Cet atelier vous permettra de vous connaitre en profondeur, de reconnecter avec votre enfant intérieur et d’enfin vous sentir confiant.e et libre.
  • Module 2 : Surmonter mes blocages et mes défis : Si c’était si facile, tout le monde serait sa meilleure version. Lors de cet atelier vous comprendrez, une fois pour toutes, les mécanismes qui vous empêchent de devenir cette meilleure version et vous découvrirez les outils pour les contourner.
  • Module 3 : Me reprogrammer et changer : Grâce à des notions en neurosciences, vous aurez accès à des techniques simples et des outils pour reprogrammer vos pensées et vous sentir alignée avec vous-même.
  • Module 4 : Outils et clés pour une démarche efficace du changement : Lors de cet atelier, vous apprendrez comment adopter de nouvelles perceptions, habitudes et agir pour changer ce qui ne vous aide plus et changer votre réalité !