How to find your Soulmate in 1 simple step?

“Someday my prince will come”

Do you remember that lovely song Snow White sang in Disney’s version of Snow White and the Seven Drawfs? Have you ever dreamed of your Prince Charming; thinking one day he would come like in the story? Then time goes by…waiting, waiting,  waiting… and still no Prince Charming, his arrival time is past due. Days turn to months and months become years and the older you get, the more you disbelieve the fairy tale and eventually, the hope for a dream realized dies inside you.

In this post, I will share tips to help you to find your Soulmate and open your understanding about WHY THE HELL he’s taking so long to show up?

Why am I still single?

Granted, we don’t know each other but I imagine you are an amazing woman who is also: Beautiful! Smart! Successful! Kind and romantic!  My guess is that you might also be wondering why you keep coming up empty in romance and seem always on the receiving end of the bridesmaids’ invitations from your married friends or the single ones, who are in a dead heat, heading down the aisle. Where is my Mr. Right, you ask, and does everyone have a Soulmate? Question after question arise without answers and still no sign of your other half. Now you start losing hope as doubts assail your mind. WHY? Why not me? Why am I still single?

Well, my beautiful queens, I feel your frustrations and from personal experience, I can truly relate. Just like you, I had doubts about myself and believed at that point that I would never find my Soulmate. After all, I was already in my mid-30s, so why bother.  My self-talk and I complied with the saying: “Misery loves company”. I was convinced that I would be lonely for the rest of my life. Either because there were no good men out there; all the good ones were already taken, or maybe all who remained were psychopaths, you name it. I had a long list of reasons for being single, which explained my misfortune, at least that made me feel better.

If like me you are thinking that way and just nodding your head right now, please STOP right there. I have Breaking News for you! What I discovered is that by asking the wrong questions you will never get the right answers, hence the doubts and fears. Here, let me explain.

Fall in Love with yourself

Take a look in the mirror and say (your name) I love you. Wait, listen and observe carefully what comes to you, don’t judge, just be present. Does it feel weird? Can you even say: “I love you” to yourself or are you having a hard time drowning out the negative self-talk? Listen! You might be very surprised to discover what your self-talk has to say about you.

Sometimes, we don’t even realize just how hard it is to love ourselves. SELF-LOVE comes from “within” and loving self is the first step in your new journey. For it is only when you love yourself that you become LOVE and attract love. Falling in love with yourself means loving every cell in your body and being able to say, “Damn girl, You Rock! I love you …(fill the blank).  It’s part of your self-discovery journey.


Related: Why you should embrace Self-discovery?

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