Those questions are some food for thoughts.
Inasmuch as you want your man to be Superman, can you bear to be Wonder Woman? It is so easy to have a long list of expectations but can you also deliver.
It’s Reborn time !
And this is where your journey begins. You gotta let it go your old self and old beliefs about you, men, relationships, etc. all those wrongly held perspectives that kept you single and bitter. Why? Because they never served you and right now. It’s Reborn Time.
For those of you serious about finding your Soulmate I challenge you to answer these questions:
- What are you really going to do to make a shift in your life?
- What are you going to change about you?
- Who do you want to become?
- What are the things holding you back that you need to let go?
Remember!!! Like you, I was stuck, but I made a DECISION and because I recognized the importance of self-love, I did everything in my power to become LOVE. My old- self-had to die to let me fall in love with the reborn self that was emerging.
Here is my truth, you simply didn’t meet him yet because he is waiting for you to be ready for him.
To prove my point, my life was never the same since Fall 2015, when I found my Soulmate, Ecsylence.
Thank you My Love for showing up and for being you, You changed my life for the better.
So inspiring, thank you for sharing your love story! It looks like I have some work to do now :).