What about you? Have you been asking yourself similar questions? Do you know the answers, and where are you in your journey? Do you feel that you have a contribution to make to humanity? Are you making it, and if not, why not? With what special talent(s) have you been endowed, and how can it/they be used to best serve others?
In this post, I will share how answering those questions finally led me to start my blogging journey.
Serving others
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”
~ Mahatma Gandhi
I believe that human beings are here to experience life to the fullest; the good, the not so good and everything in between; and sharing our gifts and talents with the world helps us express who we really are. However, the ease with which we do that has a lot to do with our own personal development. Everyday, I am gaining a deeper appreciation for this aspect. It means everything to me.
As a matter of fact, it is a deliberate new lifestyle, and I strongly believe that if taking charge of my personal development helped me, without a doubt, it could surely help other women just like me. The idea of starting with self first and then extending that true self towards enlightening, inspiring and motivating others to pursue their dreams, or helping them unlock hidden potential gets me excited. I am passionate about self-discovery and living the best way possible. This is my purpose and this blog (Rajaa Belle) is the medium through which I am serving the beautiful Queens, by giving unbridled love and support to the best of my ability.
Right now you are probably thinking, easy for her to say but she doesn’t know what I go through. Maybe I don’t, perhaps I’m clueless. But this I do know. Anyone who has ever realized a dream, once stood where you are now standing but they did not stay there. They understood that some change was required. Your brand of change may involve quitting your job, launching your business, changing your lifestyle or just focusing a bit more on your growth. Whatever it is will have to be driven from the inside.
Because, let’s face it (our circles) those with whom we closely associate and whose opinions we value the most, may not offer the best support system, especially in the beginning. Take me for example, the discouragements and criticisms came a mile a minute. When all I really wanted was their understanding. Maybe a gentle tap on the shoulder or a “you can do this” whispered in my ear.
But at the time they just didn’t understand the transforming me nor “why” it was necessary. So expect the challenge and the weird looks. If you anticipate it, the initial lack of support won’t bother you so much. Accept that their resistance is more about them. Perhaps they are wondering how much involuntary transforming they will have to do, to still ‘fit’ the new YOU, when everything was just ‘fine’ before.
When it gets really tough, remember that’s what all the shade they’ve been throwing you, is about. If you stay the course and are true to self, pretty soon their: “What the hell is going on with you? Will transform into: ‘Wow! You are different! ’Yes, you are, thank God! And better is yet to come. So be proud of yourself and stand up for your life.