How to follow your heart when everything is against you?

When I first started my Self-Discovery journey, my circle made fun of me. Are you in a Cult? Is this some kinda New Age movement? Do you really believe in this crap of positivity? You are so annoying, nobody thinks like that, do you think that we live in wonderland…?  

Hearing all that harsh, negative commentary was hard when all I really wanted was for them to open their minds to new possibilities. Obviously, they were not ready to receive my messages at the time, but at the end of the day, results speak louder than words.

My passion and transformation were undeniable.  Their initial doubt was soon replaced by intrigue and curiosity. Then came many questions about spirituality and personal growth, which led to me starting informal discussions’ groups, comprising private sessions and one-on-one conversations where we shared breakthroughs, connections to our higher-selves, the practice of meditation, reading books, etc. It was phenomenal witnessing the transformations taking place in each of us before our very eyes.

Later, one of my good friends suggested that I should create a blog and share valuable content to help more women who could benefit in a similar way. I was astonished and had cold sweats at the same time.  Then I got many other requests and the messages were consistent: “put yourself out there and create a platform where we can all benefit from your sharing”. It was a wonderful, frightening, thrilling, scary proposition, all at the same time.  Most of all, it was an undeniable opportunity presenting itself, calling me out, to be a voice for women and to stand up for truth.

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